Few Lines For You

Sitting on the sand, under the glistening night sky, glowbirds between
the stars above, a small memory becomes an obsession. Reality becomes
dream. Thoughts and feelings turn into magnificent experiences, as
large and deep and dynamic as the sea in front. I gather my emotions
and experiences and try to weave a reality out of them, and stumble,
and stumble, and stumble again.... Night falls, I keep trying. I
summon every memory of love, happiness, melancholy and pensive
reflection into one single, all-encomapssing inertia. You.

You are the sand that I try to hold within my numb fingers, the wind
that caresses my hair, the water that comforts my battered and bruised
body, the music that plays softly in my ears when I sleep. You reside
within me. You are everything.